To raise the profile and increase community commitment to the Te Angiangi Marine Reserve, The Ouepoto Reserve, and the Te Ikatiere Reserve.


Our Purpose


charities full name & registration number

Aramoana Environmental & Education Charitable Trust



24 February 2010



Chairperson – Peter Kay
Deputy Chair – Rob Eagles
Secretary/Treasurer – Heather Gregory
Jerry Greer
Keri Ropiha
Richard Lee
Paul Train
Rod Hansen

  1. To facilitate the creation of visitor and education facilities at Te Angiangi, Ouepoto & Te Ikatiere.

  2. To promote the continued protection of the Te Angiangi, Ouepoto & Te Ikatiere Reserves in collaboration with our partners  

  3. To provide education to schools and the general public about the need to conserve and protect the marine and surrounding environments and also provide schools and the general public with the early history of both Iwi and coastal farming. 

  4. To facilitate the planting of native species along the coastline with emphasis on the Ouepoto and Te Ikatiere Reserves.

 The variable oystercatcher


Te Angiangi Marine Reserve





Education / Training / Research, Environment / Conservation



Provides buildings / Facilities / Open space



Children / Young people, General public, Family / Whanau

postal address

C/- BM Accounting Limited
PO Box 8151,
Havelock North 4157

street address

C/- BM Accounting Limited
Level 1, The Village Exchange
5 Havelock Road, Havelock North 4130